Thursday, November 10, 2011

Going good

So lately my life has been really going great. I have the best man in the world in my life, I'm progressing in my job, my grades are steady and good, and my money managing is going great. I'm currently applying for scholarships so I won't have to work as much next semester and have less stress. My managers birthday is on the 14th and I planned a surprise birthday party at platos when she comes in to open. I hope she loves it and loves me forever! I can't wait until next semester its going to be awesome. I am hoping I will be able to Stay in Macon over the summer and still work and save up my money with out having to tranfer stores. Junior year I'm planning to have my own town house to rent and save some money on houseing cost on campus. I am also planning on getting my very first dog!!! I want a chocolate pomerainian awwww I'm going to love that thing to death. but Brian wants to Kick it :'( I won't let him! if he does he will be missing that PS3 pretty badly.

ASST. mangager!

Woooooo so as some may know I have recently been promoted and I love it! Sunday night we had a store meeting and made it official. After the meeting me and brian and ashley and joey went out on our like 4th double date. Ashley thought it'd be a funny thing to say GD and the F word and some old lady got up and left. When I told ashley what happened, she didn't appologize, noooo, she says "I paid my GD 37 dollars to say what I want here". mmmmm I shake my head and move on. Later that night after eating out chocolate fountain dessert she decides she wants to catapolt a fondue stick with a strawberry on it at my face as she does this my drink spills in my lap and Ashley goes "OH no I spilled my drink on my new manager" as the golden corral waitress is cleaning shes like dang that awkward.  we left after that. Then we went to walmart to mess up stuff after a long day of work and we had a plan to distract the boys and runn off until they called us on the intercom. well as soon as I say ok lets find them something distracting, Brian goes hey look a video game and like that they were gone and so were we :D but they found us later so no intercom call for us :(

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This Halloween was sooooo much fun. It was the first Halloween me and Brian spent together (awwww). I peer presured Brian into wearing a costume this time. I was Juno and he was Paully Bleaker. We were soo adorable. He was so sweet to dress up with me, because at first I really thought he wouldn't. Even though we didn't trick or treat I got to take him to math class and then we ate pizza bread bowls and pasta. We TRIED to watch a scary movie but netfilx was messing up >:( After my early classes I took Halloween cupcakes to my fellow workers and sodas too. They are going to love me forever now! :D I had such a great day I hope next year is just as good!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Double Date Number 2

AHHH so after work on Sunday me and Brian went out with my bestfriend Ashley and her guy again. This time we went to mexican! OLE!! Ashley wasn't given any sour cream so she was calling out "PACO PACO" and this dude is like hello and she like uhhh I need sour cream and so he comes back with a huuuuuuuge bowl and her boyfriend is like you know why its so big right? and she is like why and he goes because he had to make room for the spit! ewwww. It was so weird they sat us at the bar for some reason so weird guys were starring and talking to me and ashley so we left and went to Target to mess around. at 8:50 they turned the lights off on us since we were the only ones in the whole store.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Brian

How is it that one guy can make you feel so special. Like when he drops you off you feel like he should still be there with you and it doesn't feel right. Or when your about to bust out in tears and everyone says it'll be OK but its not unless he tells you that. How is it that one face can make you smile for hours. Or you can rest so quietly in his arms feeling the safest you've ever been. Like when your not sure about something and he kisses you on the forehead and it gives you comfort. Honestly i have no idea how all that is possible... It just is

I wrote this to Brian almost a year ago and I still feel the same way :)
He can still take my breath away and always make me laugh. I love him sooooo much.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Thanksgiving is already around the corner, Christmas will be here soon. I found out what I'm going to get Brian :) he's going to love it! unfortunantly I can't say what it is on here or else he would find out. I'm going to get my little brother an Ipod, I wanted to get him the latest Ipod touch but he insist he wants the blue regular Ipod nano. I realllllllly want a steam mop but I think I'll wait until I move out to get one. I asked my sister to get me some 5 finger shoes! I would wear those things out! their the most comfortable shoes ever!(Brian will most definatly laugh at me everytime I wear them)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Apparently on a nice Friday afternoon on my DAY OF OFF (trademark of Danette Anastasia Peppers, only to be used on my days off of work when I decided I won't go in even if called) I can't cash my check in a timely manner. WHY you may ask, ahhh I'll tell you why. BECAUSE PEOPLE DECIDE TO ROB BANKS ON MY DAY OF OFF AND PUT ALL THEIR "MONEYS" INTO THE ONLY WELLSFARGO ATM IN MACON and make all the other Maconians wait until thier done!

Smoking kills!

While out and about with Brian we decided to stop for a harmless slushy at QT. When I exited the vehicle I noticed a horrific scene. A beautiful butterfly that decided to stop for a smoke. BAD IDEA! The little fellow didn't make it, his lungs filled with tar and hundreds of carcinogens making it too difficult to breathe any longer :( This beautiful creature died and showed me why I would never smoke. 

Double Date

On sunday night after work me Brian, Ashley and Joey went on a double date to Olive garden. At first it was a little awkward but then we got settled in and it was fun! For some reason the guys were embarrassing us by doing stupid stuff at the table, and by watching me eat my salad WEIRD. When our waintress came by to take our order she got to Joey who said he wanted just the steak and not the vegetables that come with it because hes allergic to the pesticides they spray on them. Well the waintress, trying to be sweet and all, stated that he should grow his own garden at home. Joey was making a joke and said hahah last time I grew something at home I got arrested. Apparently our waintress thought he was for real and started going over some bussiness plans with Joey and talking about moving to Cali and farming Marijuana with him. Whew once she was done we all laughed it was so weird. A little later Brian decides he will take a loose straw paper and put it in my drink and then put it in my face! Well it was gross so I went to flick it... it went backwards and hit some kid in the head and I was like trying not to laugh cause then he would know it was me so I was crying and holding in my laughter for like 5 min. What a night.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Weekend!

I have a new best friend Ashley at work. We decided to take our men out to dinner at olive garden after I close on Sunday! Yummmmmyy. This Friday is going to be my lazy day. I'm going to sleep in for hours and not go into work even if they call me because its my first day off in FOREVER. Next week I'm going to start a Platos Closet website and have pictures of celeberties compared to almost the same thing we have and show price differences. ITS gonna be AWESOME. Me and Brian are planning on going to the fair but we might wait to go with his parents. Hopefully its not too cold by then. I hate the cold weather. :( Every day I close my store I leave my Brody a stalker note with wink faces that have eyelashes and he says its scary, but they crack me up! I love my workers

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Oh my goodness its freezing outside now! How is it already October? Well now that Halloween is right around the corner I'm making some good plans ;) I am going to be Juno and Brians going to be Pauly Bleeker its going to be too cute. I'm sure he'll only wear the costume long enough to go to the campus costume party in order to get some free food. I kind of want to decorate Platos with a nice scary Hollywood set up and put up themes like lady GAGA and Micheal Jackson. This will help sell some of the clothes that normally wouldnt sell. This year has gone by so quickly its like I feel like I just graduated and was trying to figure out where to go to college. Now I'm almost done with first semester! I can't wait until my birthday, and it better snow this time!!! I was born in the cold and I hate it so it might as well be pretty and cold on my day. Brians taking me to Florida for the weekend of my birthday to just get away and relax for a good minute. I'm going to buy a lottery scratch off and see how lucky I really am ;)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well today in my Macon Connections class we had to figure out our schedule based on our major. My major is going to be Health Service Administrations, and these are they classes for it:

Fall 2011:  English 1101
                 Intro to Math Modeling
                 History 2111
                 MSCC 1001

Spring 2012:   Engl 1102
                      Hist 1004
                      Thea 1001
                      Soci 1101

Fall 2012:  Pols 1101:
                 Hist 2111: history until 1865
                 Biol 2107: Biology 1
                 Biol LAB 2107
                 Math 1200: Statistics

Spring 2013:  Econ 2105: Microeconomics
                     Comm 1110: Public Speaking
                     Chem 1151: chemistry 1
                     Itec 2201: intro into technology

Fall 2013:  Acct 2101: intro into  accounting
                 Hlsa 4480: heath care law and ethics

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Broken Monitor = I Steal Josh's Seat

So apparently people can't grab a  hold on themselves to not break the computer I sit at on a Tuesdaily and Thursdaily basis! Either the screens unplugged, the buttons are missing, the buttons are jammed, etc. So today instead of moving to another row I took Josh's seat :D now it's his problem. (I guess someone will be having a KROGER day).

Monday, September 26, 2011

One crazy week!

This past week has been filled with many ups and downs. Luckily this weekend I was able to go back to my home town and spend the night with my sister and do our ritual of making chicken and waffles and turning on a movie while I fall asleep by the first 20 minutes. :D oopsies. I bought her an owl print Vera Bradley hair straightener carrier!!! Great gift idea. Me and Brian went to music midtown it was.. an experience I must say. Lots of casual marijuana users and and drunk guys with their shirts off.. and they were no Brad Pitt MMMMMMMM they needed to cover it up!! GROSS. I liked most of the bands even though the only one I actually knew songs from was the Black Keys cause Brian CONSTANTLY listens to them. (their like my All Time Low to him) Best band ever by the way! check em out!! David Crowder band is a taddddd better so their my real favorite! AND BRIANS TAKING ME TO SEE THEM ON NOV. 5TH OMG ITS GOING TO BE THE COOLEST DAY OF MY LIFE AND I'M GOING TO SING EVRRRRRY SONG! Brian deserves 10 brownie points for this. I miss seeing my sister :'( she is my bestest friend and allllwwaays will be. I went to O'Charlies with my mom and got the CALIFORNIA SHRIMP SALAD mmmmmmmm mmmm mmm its a party in my mouth! OMG my favorite book came into my store and I snatched it up Its called Crank by Ellen Hopkins. I've read allllll her books their so interesting. I was sunburned at music midtown which sucks and people talk about me like look at that ghostly girl who got burned :l like really shut up AND GO TO KROGER cause thats where you belong!!! ooooo I almost forgot,  I got my toes done Their green this time! and I was able to be reunited with my welly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed his fur!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


sometimes you have to make work fun. How? you may ask, well by making bets and winning them so the other person has to do something ridiculous :D this is Eli wearing girl clothes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Black Weave!

So in my Macon connections class I am doing a Documentary on some type of culture I don't belong to. I decided to do it on hair weaving.Sunday night I went over to my friend Charlotte's house and helped her put her weave in and take the original out. It was fun but it took soooooo long we started at 830 and I left at 130. Needless to say I was pooped. We watched sister act and had cranberry juice with Cinnamon bagels :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pizza Delivery :o

 So the other night at work everyone was feeling a tad hungery and me being the nice person I am and wanting everyone to experience a PUBLIX day, I said I would go get food for everyone. Once my co workers decided what they wanted I was headed out. "Little ceasers" they say. So I punch it into my nav and head out. Well I pass the projects and don't see anyone who looks very nice or helpful so I was scared! "there must not be any publixs" around here!!! AHHH i'm in Kroger teritory! No one can help me now!! So I head into the pizza joint and as i'm being stared at (most likely from my ghostly pale skin) I order my Supreme large pizza and Bread stick and sit down... Next to a gangsta "yo yo yo i a rapper you know" nope.. Havent heard you on the radio. "maine dats cus i aint all out darre" oh ok well i'm jail bate so lets stop the chit chat. "oh snap you right gurl i dint know maine,,,,, when ya gona be 18" well for you never for the rest of the world in Feb. (ONE LARGE SUPREME PIZZA) whewwwwwwww I snatched that pizza up like it was my last meal and hit the door.. literally cause i'm in the projects so they have a handle you have to push to get out and so I push it and run to my car and drive of into the sunset.... ok not exactly I drive back to work where Charlette and Eli eat all my food.

A broken moniter= A broken heart

I came into my English class today with intentions to sit next to shelley and have a good ol' time. But my moniter was boken and I had to move up a row all alone :'( and jack the seat of the girl that wes stalks. what Kroger a day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My one year with Bri

           I had the worlds best anniversary this weekend! We went to chow baby to eat YUMMMMMMMMYYYYYY! we tried squid.. pretty good.. chewy I must say. He got me flowers a rose and a sunflower :) my FAVORITE. We had italian oven the next day for lunch and drew all over the paper table cloth. I asked him if he would love me even if I had amisha and didn't remember him, he said he would :D awwwwwww how sweet.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not going to Florida :(

        My friend shelley is sitting beside me talking about going to Florida to this HUGE mansion and i wish i was going :( she won't bring me with her....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jars of Clay

                      2 Corinthians 4:7-12. But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not us.We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

           After hearing this verse on the radio yesterday I was looking into what exactly does this mean to me. While thinking, it suddenly clicked.. God created us out of dirt, molding us to be servants for others to show his love therefore in a sense we are jars of clay. Clay is fragile but can last and be dropped and broken yet repaired again and again. I think that shows how even when we fall and have troubles and break, if we turn to God he can fix it. But whats inside our jars? Is it empty? Full of material things so we won't feel empty? God can fill our jar but he isn't actually taking up space so we need to add our talents given to us to help others and fill our jar full of joy and compassion. We need to let our jars overflow with these things and stand out for others to wonder whats so different, why are they full, happy, and beautiful. Let them see Jesus through us.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The "ATL"

                     I have had many trips to Atlanta and many different experiences each time. Here are two I would like to share. My older step brother had began college a few years back at GSU in the middle of Atlanta. He figured he would take the bus to save money and decided to make it a little trip with me and me little brother. At this time it had snowed earlier that week and there was still ice on the ground. My little brother was bored from waiting on the delayed bus and decides to run and jump on this hefty block of ice,, suicidal.. nahh just male stupidity. He slides 5 feet and ends up hitting his butt and head, but we figure hes alright and we shall keep on keeping on. Once this bus drops us off were waiting by a cross walk and Zane my older stepbrother blurts out on his lack of common sense "Man it smells like straight up urine over here"... out from behind us pops up a homeless man... wow we could have been shot.

                      Over my senior year me and my sister Ashleigh decide to go up to 5 point and look around eat whatever for the day. As we walk through different shops and roads we see numerous drag queens and instrument players and con artists. We came upon this one memorable road with many homeless people and beggars  but what really catches our eyes?? A drag queen walking an emaciated oily cat on a pink leash. We did question if we were awake or if the cat was dead, but no it was alive and kicking BELIEVE me.

My "lesser" talents

     This is my portrait of JESUS! apparently he decided to not give me the gift of art... but that's alright I have other things to make up for it. When asked to draw anything I always do my best, yet it still seems too gnarly for people to look at. Last year I took art1 and my teacher always took off points for not being able to tell what I drew, for example I drew a nice jelly fish swimming in the sea.... he asked if it was a dying dog. The other day in my English class Shelly was showing my how to draw this dog thing and she was like uhh put that away and Wes was trying to be nice and was like oh sure that's ok, but I saw the pain in his eye from glancing at it. Never the less I still enjoy drawing and how my Brian embraces the ugliness to make me feel better.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I miss my poor Wellington Moses III! hes my baby but unfortunately I couldn't bring him on campus with me :( He likes to eat which is why he is obese. I miss cuddling with him and having him lick my toes when I get out of the shower.

Brian's Gift

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Brians gift came yesterday and I think I was more excited then he was I was jumping up and down and helping him unwrap it of course (hes a little slow at unwrapping my gifts,,, and I guess I might have been a little impatient cause of my excitedness)!!! So his face was like OMG!!!! it was a PS3 that hes been wanting for his dorm. There are some conditions on it though. 1. I can take it away if he gets distracted from school, or if his grades fall. 2. studying comes first before he can play. 3. when i'm over I get to play :D seems pretty fair to me lol

Friday, August 19, 2011

My New Favorite

            Starting around two weeks ago I began my 10 10 80 plan which is a God centered budget. 10% of my check goes to God through tithing, but instead of it going to a church since I don't currently belong to one I give to anyone in need and I don't think it should be looked at as a chore. Give until it feels good cause trust me at first it hurts but the more you do it the more you see that Gods people aren't beggars he will kept watch over them and be just as faithful as we are to him. I admit sometimes I really don't know how I'm going to pay for certain things but when i give and I need something God always provides. Just two days ago I paid for the people behind me at a chickfila and I was like dang I need that money for books cause I was SURE financial aid wasn't going to cover them all. Next day I go in dreading having to swipe my card for this 200$ purchase and guess what.. financial aid went through early covered all my books and I have 175 left over. Just little things like that reminds me I don't have to worry. Ok enough with my story's the next 10 goes to savings and the 80 goes to living off of. When I have left overs from my 80 I split it up between both 10. This budget seems to really work I love it. If only Obama could know about it and use it we might be out of debt.


        Yesterday I ordered my boyfriends present. I think I'm more excited for it to get here then he is. I'm sure if he would listen to all my hints he would already know... but he is a guy so that'll never happen. The expected arrival date is the 25th, but I want it here now!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Moving up.

                               Today is going to be my first day at my new job, although its under the same owners its going to be Platos Closet instead of my Once Upon a Child. I feel lucky in a way to not have death threats from pregnant hormonal women when I decide to not take their onsies due to staining or washwear. Working with guys will be new also. I liked having all women to work with, mainly cause we agreed on everything, ie: period pains, men, love, movies, crazy coustomers, clothes, etc. I hope Platos is slightly less stressful since I do have college. I will never forget my OUAC people I love them :D