Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Oh my goodness its freezing outside now! How is it already October? Well now that Halloween is right around the corner I'm making some good plans ;) I am going to be Juno and Brians going to be Pauly Bleeker its going to be too cute. I'm sure he'll only wear the costume long enough to go to the campus costume party in order to get some free food. I kind of want to decorate Platos with a nice scary Hollywood set up and put up themes like lady GAGA and Micheal Jackson. This will help sell some of the clothes that normally wouldnt sell. This year has gone by so quickly its like I feel like I just graduated and was trying to figure out where to go to college. Now I'm almost done with first semester! I can't wait until my birthday, and it better snow this time!!! I was born in the cold and I hate it so it might as well be pretty and cold on my day. Brians taking me to Florida for the weekend of my birthday to just get away and relax for a good minute. I'm going to buy a lottery scratch off and see how lucky I really am ;)

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