Friday, August 19, 2011

My New Favorite

            Starting around two weeks ago I began my 10 10 80 plan which is a God centered budget. 10% of my check goes to God through tithing, but instead of it going to a church since I don't currently belong to one I give to anyone in need and I don't think it should be looked at as a chore. Give until it feels good cause trust me at first it hurts but the more you do it the more you see that Gods people aren't beggars he will kept watch over them and be just as faithful as we are to him. I admit sometimes I really don't know how I'm going to pay for certain things but when i give and I need something God always provides. Just two days ago I paid for the people behind me at a chickfila and I was like dang I need that money for books cause I was SURE financial aid wasn't going to cover them all. Next day I go in dreading having to swipe my card for this 200$ purchase and guess what.. financial aid went through early covered all my books and I have 175 left over. Just little things like that reminds me I don't have to worry. Ok enough with my story's the next 10 goes to savings and the 80 goes to living off of. When I have left overs from my 80 I split it up between both 10. This budget seems to really work I love it. If only Obama could know about it and use it we might be out of debt.

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