Monday, August 29, 2011

Jars of Clay

                      2 Corinthians 4:7-12. But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not us.We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

           After hearing this verse on the radio yesterday I was looking into what exactly does this mean to me. While thinking, it suddenly clicked.. God created us out of dirt, molding us to be servants for others to show his love therefore in a sense we are jars of clay. Clay is fragile but can last and be dropped and broken yet repaired again and again. I think that shows how even when we fall and have troubles and break, if we turn to God he can fix it. But whats inside our jars? Is it empty? Full of material things so we won't feel empty? God can fill our jar but he isn't actually taking up space so we need to add our talents given to us to help others and fill our jar full of joy and compassion. We need to let our jars overflow with these things and stand out for others to wonder whats so different, why are they full, happy, and beautiful. Let them see Jesus through us.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The "ATL"

                     I have had many trips to Atlanta and many different experiences each time. Here are two I would like to share. My older step brother had began college a few years back at GSU in the middle of Atlanta. He figured he would take the bus to save money and decided to make it a little trip with me and me little brother. At this time it had snowed earlier that week and there was still ice on the ground. My little brother was bored from waiting on the delayed bus and decides to run and jump on this hefty block of ice,, suicidal.. nahh just male stupidity. He slides 5 feet and ends up hitting his butt and head, but we figure hes alright and we shall keep on keeping on. Once this bus drops us off were waiting by a cross walk and Zane my older stepbrother blurts out on his lack of common sense "Man it smells like straight up urine over here"... out from behind us pops up a homeless man... wow we could have been shot.

                      Over my senior year me and my sister Ashleigh decide to go up to 5 point and look around eat whatever for the day. As we walk through different shops and roads we see numerous drag queens and instrument players and con artists. We came upon this one memorable road with many homeless people and beggars  but what really catches our eyes?? A drag queen walking an emaciated oily cat on a pink leash. We did question if we were awake or if the cat was dead, but no it was alive and kicking BELIEVE me.

My "lesser" talents

     This is my portrait of JESUS! apparently he decided to not give me the gift of art... but that's alright I have other things to make up for it. When asked to draw anything I always do my best, yet it still seems too gnarly for people to look at. Last year I took art1 and my teacher always took off points for not being able to tell what I drew, for example I drew a nice jelly fish swimming in the sea.... he asked if it was a dying dog. The other day in my English class Shelly was showing my how to draw this dog thing and she was like uhh put that away and Wes was trying to be nice and was like oh sure that's ok, but I saw the pain in his eye from glancing at it. Never the less I still enjoy drawing and how my Brian embraces the ugliness to make me feel better.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I miss my poor Wellington Moses III! hes my baby but unfortunately I couldn't bring him on campus with me :( He likes to eat which is why he is obese. I miss cuddling with him and having him lick my toes when I get out of the shower.

Brian's Gift

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Brians gift came yesterday and I think I was more excited then he was I was jumping up and down and helping him unwrap it of course (hes a little slow at unwrapping my gifts,,, and I guess I might have been a little impatient cause of my excitedness)!!! So his face was like OMG!!!! it was a PS3 that hes been wanting for his dorm. There are some conditions on it though. 1. I can take it away if he gets distracted from school, or if his grades fall. 2. studying comes first before he can play. 3. when i'm over I get to play :D seems pretty fair to me lol

Friday, August 19, 2011

My New Favorite

            Starting around two weeks ago I began my 10 10 80 plan which is a God centered budget. 10% of my check goes to God through tithing, but instead of it going to a church since I don't currently belong to one I give to anyone in need and I don't think it should be looked at as a chore. Give until it feels good cause trust me at first it hurts but the more you do it the more you see that Gods people aren't beggars he will kept watch over them and be just as faithful as we are to him. I admit sometimes I really don't know how I'm going to pay for certain things but when i give and I need something God always provides. Just two days ago I paid for the people behind me at a chickfila and I was like dang I need that money for books cause I was SURE financial aid wasn't going to cover them all. Next day I go in dreading having to swipe my card for this 200$ purchase and guess what.. financial aid went through early covered all my books and I have 175 left over. Just little things like that reminds me I don't have to worry. Ok enough with my story's the next 10 goes to savings and the 80 goes to living off of. When I have left overs from my 80 I split it up between both 10. This budget seems to really work I love it. If only Obama could know about it and use it we might be out of debt.


        Yesterday I ordered my boyfriends present. I think I'm more excited for it to get here then he is. I'm sure if he would listen to all my hints he would already know... but he is a guy so that'll never happen. The expected arrival date is the 25th, but I want it here now!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Moving up.

                               Today is going to be my first day at my new job, although its under the same owners its going to be Platos Closet instead of my Once Upon a Child. I feel lucky in a way to not have death threats from pregnant hormonal women when I decide to not take their onsies due to staining or washwear. Working with guys will be new also. I liked having all women to work with, mainly cause we agreed on everything, ie: period pains, men, love, movies, crazy coustomers, clothes, etc. I hope Platos is slightly less stressful since I do have college. I will never forget my OUAC people I love them :D