Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well today in my Macon Connections class we had to figure out our schedule based on our major. My major is going to be Health Service Administrations, and these are they classes for it:

Fall 2011:  English 1101
                 Intro to Math Modeling
                 History 2111
                 MSCC 1001

Spring 2012:   Engl 1102
                      Hist 1004
                      Thea 1001
                      Soci 1101

Fall 2012:  Pols 1101:
                 Hist 2111: history until 1865
                 Biol 2107: Biology 1
                 Biol LAB 2107
                 Math 1200: Statistics

Spring 2013:  Econ 2105: Microeconomics
                     Comm 1110: Public Speaking
                     Chem 1151: chemistry 1
                     Itec 2201: intro into technology

Fall 2013:  Acct 2101: intro into  accounting
                 Hlsa 4480: heath care law and ethics

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Broken Monitor = I Steal Josh's Seat

So apparently people can't grab a  hold on themselves to not break the computer I sit at on a Tuesdaily and Thursdaily basis! Either the screens unplugged, the buttons are missing, the buttons are jammed, etc. So today instead of moving to another row I took Josh's seat :D now it's his problem. (I guess someone will be having a KROGER day).

Monday, September 26, 2011

One crazy week!

This past week has been filled with many ups and downs. Luckily this weekend I was able to go back to my home town and spend the night with my sister and do our ritual of making chicken and waffles and turning on a movie while I fall asleep by the first 20 minutes. :D oopsies. I bought her an owl print Vera Bradley hair straightener carrier!!! Great gift idea. Me and Brian went to music midtown it was.. an experience I must say. Lots of casual marijuana users and and drunk guys with their shirts off.. and they were no Brad Pitt MMMMMMMM they needed to cover it up!! GROSS. I liked most of the bands even though the only one I actually knew songs from was the Black Keys cause Brian CONSTANTLY listens to them. (their like my All Time Low to him) Best band ever by the way! check em out!! David Crowder band is a taddddd better so their my real favorite! AND BRIANS TAKING ME TO SEE THEM ON NOV. 5TH OMG ITS GOING TO BE THE COOLEST DAY OF MY LIFE AND I'M GOING TO SING EVRRRRRY SONG! Brian deserves 10 brownie points for this. I miss seeing my sister :'( she is my bestest friend and allllwwaays will be. I went to O'Charlies with my mom and got the CALIFORNIA SHRIMP SALAD mmmmmmmm mmmm mmm its a party in my mouth! OMG my favorite book came into my store and I snatched it up Its called Crank by Ellen Hopkins. I've read allllll her books their so interesting. I was sunburned at music midtown which sucks and people talk about me like look at that ghostly girl who got burned :l like really shut up AND GO TO KROGER cause thats where you belong!!! ooooo I almost forgot,  I got my toes done Their green this time! and I was able to be reunited with my welly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed his fur!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


sometimes you have to make work fun. How? you may ask, well by making bets and winning them so the other person has to do something ridiculous :D this is Eli wearing girl clothes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Black Weave!

So in my Macon connections class I am doing a Documentary on some type of culture I don't belong to. I decided to do it on hair weaving.Sunday night I went over to my friend Charlotte's house and helped her put her weave in and take the original out. It was fun but it took soooooo long we started at 830 and I left at 130. Needless to say I was pooped. We watched sister act and had cranberry juice with Cinnamon bagels :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pizza Delivery :o

 So the other night at work everyone was feeling a tad hungery and me being the nice person I am and wanting everyone to experience a PUBLIX day, I said I would go get food for everyone. Once my co workers decided what they wanted I was headed out. "Little ceasers" they say. So I punch it into my nav and head out. Well I pass the projects and don't see anyone who looks very nice or helpful so I was scared! "there must not be any publixs" around here!!! AHHH i'm in Kroger teritory! No one can help me now!! So I head into the pizza joint and as i'm being stared at (most likely from my ghostly pale skin) I order my Supreme large pizza and Bread stick and sit down... Next to a gangsta "yo yo yo i a rapper you know" nope.. Havent heard you on the radio. "maine dats cus i aint all out darre" oh ok well i'm jail bate so lets stop the chit chat. "oh snap you right gurl i dint know maine,,,,, when ya gona be 18" well for you never for the rest of the world in Feb. (ONE LARGE SUPREME PIZZA) whewwwwwwww I snatched that pizza up like it was my last meal and hit the door.. literally cause i'm in the projects so they have a handle you have to push to get out and so I push it and run to my car and drive of into the sunset.... ok not exactly I drive back to work where Charlette and Eli eat all my food.

A broken moniter= A broken heart

I came into my English class today with intentions to sit next to shelley and have a good ol' time. But my moniter was boken and I had to move up a row all alone :'( and jack the seat of the girl that wes stalks. what Kroger a day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My one year with Bri

           I had the worlds best anniversary this weekend! We went to chow baby to eat YUMMMMMMMMYYYYYY! we tried squid.. pretty good.. chewy I must say. He got me flowers a rose and a sunflower :) my FAVORITE. We had italian oven the next day for lunch and drew all over the paper table cloth. I asked him if he would love me even if I had amisha and didn't remember him, he said he would :D awwwwwww how sweet.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not going to Florida :(

        My friend shelley is sitting beside me talking about going to Florida to this HUGE mansion and i wish i was going :( she won't bring me with her....