Thursday, November 10, 2011

Going good

So lately my life has been really going great. I have the best man in the world in my life, I'm progressing in my job, my grades are steady and good, and my money managing is going great. I'm currently applying for scholarships so I won't have to work as much next semester and have less stress. My managers birthday is on the 14th and I planned a surprise birthday party at platos when she comes in to open. I hope she loves it and loves me forever! I can't wait until next semester its going to be awesome. I am hoping I will be able to Stay in Macon over the summer and still work and save up my money with out having to tranfer stores. Junior year I'm planning to have my own town house to rent and save some money on houseing cost on campus. I am also planning on getting my very first dog!!! I want a chocolate pomerainian awwww I'm going to love that thing to death. but Brian wants to Kick it :'( I won't let him! if he does he will be missing that PS3 pretty badly.

ASST. mangager!

Woooooo so as some may know I have recently been promoted and I love it! Sunday night we had a store meeting and made it official. After the meeting me and brian and ashley and joey went out on our like 4th double date. Ashley thought it'd be a funny thing to say GD and the F word and some old lady got up and left. When I told ashley what happened, she didn't appologize, noooo, she says "I paid my GD 37 dollars to say what I want here". mmmmm I shake my head and move on. Later that night after eating out chocolate fountain dessert she decides she wants to catapolt a fondue stick with a strawberry on it at my face as she does this my drink spills in my lap and Ashley goes "OH no I spilled my drink on my new manager" as the golden corral waitress is cleaning shes like dang that awkward.  we left after that. Then we went to walmart to mess up stuff after a long day of work and we had a plan to distract the boys and runn off until they called us on the intercom. well as soon as I say ok lets find them something distracting, Brian goes hey look a video game and like that they were gone and so were we :D but they found us later so no intercom call for us :(

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This Halloween was sooooo much fun. It was the first Halloween me and Brian spent together (awwww). I peer presured Brian into wearing a costume this time. I was Juno and he was Paully Bleaker. We were soo adorable. He was so sweet to dress up with me, because at first I really thought he wouldn't. Even though we didn't trick or treat I got to take him to math class and then we ate pizza bread bowls and pasta. We TRIED to watch a scary movie but netfilx was messing up >:( After my early classes I took Halloween cupcakes to my fellow workers and sodas too. They are going to love me forever now! :D I had such a great day I hope next year is just as good!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Double Date Number 2

AHHH so after work on Sunday me and Brian went out with my bestfriend Ashley and her guy again. This time we went to mexican! OLE!! Ashley wasn't given any sour cream so she was calling out "PACO PACO" and this dude is like hello and she like uhhh I need sour cream and so he comes back with a huuuuuuuge bowl and her boyfriend is like you know why its so big right? and she is like why and he goes because he had to make room for the spit! ewwww. It was so weird they sat us at the bar for some reason so weird guys were starring and talking to me and ashley so we left and went to Target to mess around. at 8:50 they turned the lights off on us since we were the only ones in the whole store.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Brian

How is it that one guy can make you feel so special. Like when he drops you off you feel like he should still be there with you and it doesn't feel right. Or when your about to bust out in tears and everyone says it'll be OK but its not unless he tells you that. How is it that one face can make you smile for hours. Or you can rest so quietly in his arms feeling the safest you've ever been. Like when your not sure about something and he kisses you on the forehead and it gives you comfort. Honestly i have no idea how all that is possible... It just is

I wrote this to Brian almost a year ago and I still feel the same way :)
He can still take my breath away and always make me laugh. I love him sooooo much.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Thanksgiving is already around the corner, Christmas will be here soon. I found out what I'm going to get Brian :) he's going to love it! unfortunantly I can't say what it is on here or else he would find out. I'm going to get my little brother an Ipod, I wanted to get him the latest Ipod touch but he insist he wants the blue regular Ipod nano. I realllllllly want a steam mop but I think I'll wait until I move out to get one. I asked my sister to get me some 5 finger shoes! I would wear those things out! their the most comfortable shoes ever!(Brian will most definatly laugh at me everytime I wear them)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Apparently on a nice Friday afternoon on my DAY OF OFF (trademark of Danette Anastasia Peppers, only to be used on my days off of work when I decided I won't go in even if called) I can't cash my check in a timely manner. WHY you may ask, ahhh I'll tell you why. BECAUSE PEOPLE DECIDE TO ROB BANKS ON MY DAY OF OFF AND PUT ALL THEIR "MONEYS" INTO THE ONLY WELLSFARGO ATM IN MACON and make all the other Maconians wait until thier done!